Sunday, October 24, 2010


The statuette named Labor  in the Layer monument has the most expressive portraiture of all four statuettes. With his care-worn features, gray hair and beard, engaged in digging, he is utterly Saturnine in character. One can only speculate upon the nationality of the craftsman, but I am inclined to think it's the work of a commissioned and travelling sculptor of the Northern Mannerist school, perhaps from a city based in close trading with Norwich, from Flanders or North Germany. It's only when  close-up that one gets a true sense of the expressiveness of this portrait. Compare how different his face  appears from a  lower view-point  in the photo below to this sharp angle close-up shot.


Anonymous said...

It does have the look of a european carving ,all the best stu

Kevin Faulkner said...

Thanks for your interest Stu, keep up with the muffins and reading!

teegee said...

Yes, indeed, it is masterly. Also, it gives a sort of terminus post quem relative dating that is less obvious from the other three: the treatment does indeed look early 17th century.

Kevin Faulkner said...

Taking the other three as highly-stylized gods it's quite appropriate that Man and the human condition are carefully delineated. Also, inappropriately it seems to me, his head is slightly larger than the other three!