Wednesday, April 07, 2010

10,000 soldiers

This work was recently on display at the Forum, Norwich where it won first prize. I really like the way the artist Jamie Andrews has made an anti-war statement in the shape of thousands of toy soldiers, the beginning of acclimatization and acceptance of war to children, all shaped into one giant tombstone or bullet. Very few people however seemed aware of this connection between the 10,000 soldiers of Nursery rhyme fame (The grand old Duke of York/ he had ten thousand men/ he marched them up to the top of the hill, and he marched them back down again) and the combined shape they formed, but maybe my interpretation goes beyond the artist's  intentions.

Sir Thomas Browne as ever comes to the rescue with an admirable observation upon the cause of war, the single-most remaining factor threatening humanity's survival.

The cause of this war was that of all wars, excess of prosperity. As wealth arises spirits rise, and lust and greed of power appear; thence men lose their sense of moderation, look with distaste on the prosperity of others, revolve disquiet in their mind, and throw over all settlement, for fear lest their enemies’ wealth be firmly established, they put their own to risk; and finally (as happens in human affairs) fall into slavery when they seek to impose it, and earnestly courting good fortune, experience disaster.

Link to more of  Jamie Andrews Art

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